
Free/Libre Open Source Software: A lot is to be said about Copyleft and software freedoms - GPL (GNU General Public License), and it's sisters the BSD and MIT licenses.

FOMS 2009 | Main / HomePage browse26.03.2010 23:50,
The Other Side26.03.2010 23:50, ,
:::FreeFrame Open Realtime Video Effects:::26.03.2010 23:50, , - Software26.03.2010 23:50,
Ecology of Ardour20.09.2010 22:22, , , ,
breedr01.10.2008 20:11, ,
Don't break the chain - a year on github12.02.2014 01:30,
FOMS 200901.02.2009 06:25, ,
frontera09.07.2008 23:27,
frontera - the magic mirror04.04.2008 21:42, ,
JACKdbus - Desktop integration - backend-switching21.02.2011 00:51, , ,
liboauth 05:25, ,
linuxaudio.org09.08.2008 22:29,
meters.lv2 - advanced audio level meters15.10.2013 00:05, ,
OSXjadeo20.08.2008 22:46, ,
Qjackctl Dbus10.01.2010 22:39, ,
reogg - Prepare audio-files for radio loops09.12.2009 00:07, ,
Unusual Workflow14.12.2008 14:02, ,
dbus-triggerd21.02.2011 22:06,
Dokubookmark - Website Tagger24.07.2008 18:24,
dvdmaker28.07.2008 20:22,
genXkey23.06.2009 13:27
geosync.pl23.06.2009 13:27,
G JACK Transport23.06.2009 13:27, ,
G. JACK Video Timeline23.06.2009 13:27, ,
jackfreqd13.12.2010 00:05, , ,
Jack Std-I/O31.03.2011 18:03, ,
jplay228.06.2009 15:48, ,
jrec223.06.2009 13:27, , ,
listgraph.cgi30.07.2008 03:32,
LTC SMPTE23.06.2009 13:27,
MoveMovie -- Logistics & Structure for your Video Collection01.11.2009 17:24,
mp3b09.04.2007 16:58,
Statically link applications with liboauth on Darwin/OSX24.06.2010 22:28, ,
OAuth06.12.2007 19:26,
oggZmax - free A/V codecs for MaxMSP/Jitter15.03.2010 20:43, ,
Open Movie Editor19.07.2008 17:38, ,
Open Sound Control Utils23.06.2009 13:27,
Open Source Software Projects01.01.2009 04:39
Pluggable Authentication Module for the CODA filesystem19.07.2008 17:24
PanJack11.06.2008 14:31, , ,
aics - ardour image compositor socket16.04.2009 19:48, ,
Sodankyla Project21.07.2008 17:41, , ,
Simulating Analog Audio Cicuits30.05.2007 21:27,
Open Source Software30.06.2008 18:02
Swishmail13.11.2007 21:05,
xjadeo on OSX20.08.2008 19:04, ,
xjadeo23.06.2009 13:27, , ,
xjinfo - extract an A/V file information19.02.2018 16:57, ,
gx2ctl15.04.2007 20:51,
FOMS 2009 | Main / HomePage browse26.03.2010 23:50,
The Other Side26.03.2010 23:50, ,
:::FreeFrame Open Realtime Video Effects:::26.03.2010 23:50, , - Software26.03.2010 23:50,
Blender Ardour21.09.2009 00:39, , , ,
HowToRebuildAnOfficialDebianKernelPackage - Debian Wiki28.09.2009 22:58, , ,
An Ecology Of Ardour | Linux Journal20.11.2010 23:20, , , , , ,
The TAPR Open Hardware License17.02.2020 01:58,
Ardour3 + VideoTimeline -- Live System05.08.2012 21:49, ,
Reverse engineering the Digidesign 003R protocol30.12.2012 10:33, , ,
Dokubookmark - Website Tagger04.07.2008 02:31, ,
DokuWiki LADSPA plugin01.01.2009 15:38, ,
OAuth for Dokuwiki10.10.2008 14:12, ,
dokuwiki OAuth tests and examples19.10.2008 15:49, , ,
OAuth for Dokuwiki13.03.2009 15:13, ,
Dokuwiki & rsync21.08.2008 20:24, , ,
DVswitch remote control22.03.2012 12:15,
the Frontera Project23.07.2013 18:00, ,
Image Compositor Socket21.07.2008 16:38, , ,
The Image Compositing Socket Daemon05.01.2009 14:27, ,
JACK2 control07.06.2010 01:03, , ,
DokuWiki Slideshow Plugin23.07.2013 18:00,
Qjackctl - DBUS10.01.2010 22:10, , ,
sndfile-waveform11.01.2012 17:14, ,
DokuWiki Tag Entry Plugin31.12.2008 16:55,
tatort-dl - an ARD-mediathek download utility28.01.2010 18:44,
Time Based Text22.12.2008 15:11, ,
wiki/tags/floss.txt · Last modified: 31.10.2012 17:57 by rgareus