Simply press the play button top-left and enjoy the show. When playing the menu will auto hide after 7 seconds. Move the mouse to make it re-appear.
Clicking on the wrench/scredriver will pop up the settings and thumbnail window. You can customize the delay between pictures as well as the fade-time for the slideshow there. Clicking on any of the thumbnail images will stop the slideshow and display the selected image.
Note that you can drag'n'drop the window to any position on screen using the window title bar and hide the window by pressing the X window close button or toggle its visibilty via the main-menu.
The prev and next menu buttons can be used to manually navigate. If the slideshow is running it will be stopped for manual navigation.
The links and help tool-buttons both toggle popup windows. You have found the latter already. The former provides information to easily access and share this image gallery. Note that popping up the links of help overlay window pauses the slideshow, but you can re-start it without closing the windows.
Play, Pause and Please wait..
are obvious. Just note that the internal timer is not automatically terminated and thus there is a minimum delay every time the slideshow is stopped.
The delay between pictures consists of three parts: · fade-time between images (default ½ sec; range: 0.2 - 1.0 sec), · delay from settings (default: 3½ sec; range: 0.8 - 6 sec) intended to view the image and · extra-time to read the caption - only if caption is visible («d» keyboard shortcut) - 50ms per character ≡ 250 words per minute but at most 7 seconds.
Some functions are accesible through keyboard-shortcuts:
space toggle play/pause.
back-space rewind to first picture and pause slideshow.
< go to previous picture in sequence (wrap around).
> go to next picture in sequence (wrap around).
c toggle settings window (on-screen/minimized).
d toggle caption/description display.
l toggle link popup visibility.
m toggle menu and mouse-cursor visibilty.
t toggle title visibility.
e edit caption (admin only).
Should you have write permissions (log in to DokuWiki), an additional menu will appear at the bottom of the screen. Currently the only admin task available is to set/edit the image-caption. Also note that the admin navigation buttons are always using fast-fade transition but are otherwise identical to the user menu navigation.
Pixshow Plugin Homepage.
© 2005, 2010, 2011 Robin Gareus <>