Table of Contents

anyIdentity - anyMeta's client software

What is anyIdentity?

anyIdentity is middleware. Software that provides a high level interface (to users or applications). It implements [common, combined, complex] functions interacting with the anyMeta API.

<ditaa name=anyId1>

  |cDD3 applications                   |  User interaction
  +-------------------------+          |
  |cYEL  anyIdentity        |          | 
  |c33E   (optional)   OAUTH           |
         (internet)  | HTTP
  |c33E   (optional)   OAUTH           |  Anymeta Server (supply User authentication)
  |c3DD  REST API       | Page         |  Anymeta Request Controller/Routing
  |                     | Controllers  |  (check credentials)
  |c3DD anyMeta core                   |  Anymeta Request Handler
  +-------------+--------+--------+    |
  |c5CF Identity|c5CF Acq|c5CF ...|    |  Anymeta Module(s)
  |cRED    anyMeta Datastore,Cache     |
        |     +-------+    ^
        :     |cRED   |    :
        +---->|{s}    |----+


Features / Use cases

The motivation was to offer secure and easy access to anyMeta in a re-usable and flexible fashion.

anyIdentity is written in C++ (and POSIX-c) using the QT-framework and distributed in terms of the GPL. It runs on gnu/Linux, Mac-OSX, Windows and quite a few mobile platforms. - One can use it as GUI, CLI, or just scrape some code..


use cases

User Interfaces

see the build-in help and the anyIdentity documentation at

Profiles and Configuration

A profile consists of site/vhost specific information (URL, credentials,..). There is only one profile active at any given time, but the application can remember multiple profiles.

There is additional configuration (eg. mifare RFID hardware settings) and user preferences.


remaining ToDo and future extensions:


